Alexander Hartmaier
Level 1
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Member since ‎11-23-2009

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This bug still isn't fixed after over two years although it's a simple GUI validation issue only.Please put this on the roadmap for the next patch release!Thanks!
Not sure if Cisco is monitoring this board, but I'm tired of opening a TAC for each bug I find in the APIs. On FMC 6.6.0 the any-ipv6 object has an incorrect type of 'Host' instead of 'Network' and is therefore returned by the GET hosts instead of th...
I've written a FMC REST API client module in Perl 5 which we use to cleanup access policies generated by the Cisco Firepower Migration Tool.It can be found at It can be used from Perl 6 Raku as well using...
Both icmp and icmp error inspection is disabled in FTD 6.2, was enabled in 6.1. This breaks e.g. ping through the FTD and isn't mentioned in the 6.2 release notes. Is this a new bug caused by the addition of FlexConfig or deliberately changed, becaus...
Hi, I didn't find any documentation how to restore a failed FTD, for example after a hardware RMA or a failed upgrade, as in my case. I've already reimaged the FTD and want to re-register it with the FMC. It's part of a failover pair too in our case.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-23-2009 08:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 51
Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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