Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎12-21-2009

User Statistics

  • 65 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 29 Helpful votes Given
  • 58 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I'm running CVP 11.0.1 / Call Studio 11.0 and am trying to use a Web Service element. When I load the WSDL file, the other options don't become enabled.  I click the load button and it pauses as if it is loading (button stays popped in and then pops...
Hi all, Quick question around ECC variables for a UCCX environment that will soon be migrated to UCCE.  Do the ECC variables I save to a call in a UCCX script survive the transfer of that call to a separate UCCE environment on a common CUCM cluster?...
I notice PCCE has a minimum agent seat count of 25, but what about UCCE? I'm told there is no specific number outlined in the Ordering Guide, but will CCW allow my Cisco partner to order UCCE and CVP with 0-2 premium agent seats if I want to order a...
I currently have an enterprise sip solution from a provider that offers only g711 and only RFC2833 for DTMF. Calls from this provider come in via 3945E CUBE with locally registered transcoder profile with RFC2833 and then are sent on to CUCM with the...
BackgroundIn the 10.x train of Cisco UC, Cisco applied default credential policies to all accounts, including local application administrator accounts.  These policies can be changed via the GUI for CUCM.  However, with UCCX there is no access to mod...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-21-2009 07:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-21-2019 12:28 AM
Posts 65
Total Helpful Votes Received 58