Harutyun Hakobyan
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-26-2012

User Statistics

  • 56 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 30 Helpful votes Given
  • 7 Helpful votes Received

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Hi All,On Cisco WLC 9800 for Guest authentication external web portal authentication (non Cisco) is used. On web portal sponsor can approve for example 7 days for guest, however Guest wireless connection asks every day for authentication.I increased ...
Hi All,What is best practice of assigning IP addresses to Access Points: static or dynamic ? Please provide pros and cons for each one.For example consider deployment of 10 APs and deployment of 1000 APs.Thank you 
Hi All,Switch port is configured for dot1x and mab authentication and default VLAN is guest VLAN.We want to block peer-to-peer traffic between guest hosts.What are possible solutions for this case? Thanks  
Hi All, I have created template in DNA, where is configuration of usernames with encrypted passwords.However when I want to provision, every $ symbol in encrypted passwords DNA understands as variable and asks to fill value. This is one of commands:u...
Hi All, I have configured archive feature on Cisco C2960X (Version 15.2(7)E1) and IE-4010 (Version 15.2(8)E1) switches:archive path ftp://username:password@X.X.X.X/path/$h write-memory time-period 1440However authentication fails, also fails for S...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2012 06:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-06-2024 08:16 PM
Posts 56
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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