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Member since ‎03-03-2013

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Hi ALL,My query to all of you is that if I connect a GLC-SX-MM at one end and GLC-SX-MMD at the other end, will the link come up.The difference betweenthe modules is that one supports Digital Optical Monitoring and other does not.
Hi All,This is to share with you that we are having some issue in  LMS 4.2 topology view in Mozilla Firefox.We ahve installed the jre version available in server,but evry time we go to launch the application itagain asks to download the jre.We have r...
Hi All,We are facing an issue with LMS 4.2.Whenever we want to telnet an device from Prime LMS 4.2 it opens inthe browser window and we are unable to telnet.The browser we are using for telnet is IE9.We have some regedit options,but it is of no avail...
                   Hi All,For IPv6 testing we configured loopback addresses with prefix starting with 2002.Necessary routing was configured as per requirement.Butunfortunately we were not able to ping the loopback ip address from remote subnet.When i...
Hi Everyone,While ordering Cisco Prime Infrastructure 1.1 or 1.2 we have Prime Infrastructure LMS 4.2 license as included item.But while we tried to install the license it was shown as "The file does not appear to be license File".My query is that do...
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Member Since ‎03-03-2013 10:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 18