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Member since ‎09-22-2008

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Hello,Can someone tell me what would get priority queuing first?  I have a team that will be answering multiple queues.  However, I want Q1 to have first priority and Q2 to have second priority and all others queues will fall be next in line. Right n...
Hello,I will be deploying and configuring over 100 phones.  I was wondering if someone has a template (white paper) so I can input information on each phone of what the employee wants.Example:Line 1Line 2IntercomCalling Searchetc. Thanks
Hello,I have a depart that wants the caller to hear what number they are.  They are hoping to illimate abandons.  Any help would be appreciated.  Also, can we add ringback in the script for callers to hear.Thanks in advance for your help.            ...
Hello,I'm on UCCX 8.5 and my supervisor would like to add a statement to the call so callers no they are getting ready to be answered by an agent.  She thinks this will help with abandons.  She wants to add": (Your call is now being transferred to an...
Hello,I could you some help figure this scenario out.  Any help would be appreciated.I running UCCX 8.5 and in my script  I have and if statement.                   1. Ex:  IF (position in Queue >3) Then     True:          session = Get Contact Info ...
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Member Since ‎09-22-2008 08:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
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