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Level 1
Member since ‎01-12-2007

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 20 Helpful votes Given
  • 20 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Good afternoon ,I'm currently installing a demo of cwms in a customer. I 'm installing a small system with 50 users IRP . I make the deployment of the two virtual machines on a C220 M3 server, the memory requirements and recommended space, CPU are me...
Hi,My client have an cluster of CUCM version 8.5 I tried to install CUEAC in W2003 sp2. all install without errors, but whe a tried to open the webadmin page the system show me the error "The page Cannot be displayed".The server was a fresh ...
Hi all, I just accomplish one upgrade of CUCM 6.X to 8.5, we had two receptionists with attendant console, let me know what is the procedure to activate the attendant again because all I get on is related to a server of attendant, we buy th...
Hi,I perform a New Installation of Unity with exchange 2003, and CUCM 6.1.2 and the integration was with sip, all it's ok.I have a problem, when an subscriber call to the unity, he listen the login promt, but whe any other number (Internal or Externa...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-12-2007 12:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-08-2022 12:43 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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