I already checked https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/visio-stencil-listing.html for UCS VIC stencils like the VIC 1457.The VIC is not included in the UCS stencil: https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/assets/prod/visio/visio/unified-computing-system-hyper...
Hello everybodyDoes anyone have any experience with unregistering a UCSM from a UCS Central (UCSC)?I did a test setup and tried the "deep remove global" option. Then the global policies should be removed from UCSM. But I found that all those global p...
Hello everybodyHas anyone set up a UCSM and UCSC both with 3rd party certificates? (using Microsoft Certificate Server)UCSC = UCS Central In the documentation, it says that one needs to create a certificate with the usage "certificate signing". One h...
Any news on this issue? I am having the same problem when trying to use the Add-UcsCentralTagSoftwareInst commandlet.
I am using the most recent UCS PowerToolkit
Is this already resolved? I am struggelin with the same issue and error message with the latest UCS PowerTool version
Any input is appreciated.
I am having the same problem or almost.
I figured out how to create a new VLAN in UCS Central and to set org permissions. But I cannot figure out how to publish a UCS Central VLAN to several UCS Domains that are registered with the UCS Central.
Is ...
Did you find the cause of the high CPU? If yes, what was it and how could you fix it?Could you maybe provide a EEM script that you used for getting the info? Did you monitor for the CPU load of the sup or of the linecards itself?