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Member since ‎02-11-2003

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I have an asa running 9.1(2) when I show access-l the object-groups don't expand properly.  Is this a feature of 9.1 or has some feature been enabled.Here's an example:access-list access-INSIDE-in line 18607 extended permit object-group tcp_udp objec...
I'm running unity connecton 8.x in a cluster setup.  When using connection remote port status monitor I get "OutOfServiceReason, 644, , Registration rejected" errors continuously.  The code varies from 637 - 644, does anyone know what causes this ero...
I'm troubleshooting a L2L tunnel on a pix 515e to a checkpoint. I including a ipsec and isakmp debug - I can't figure out where it is failing. any help is appreciated.Josh
I inherited an issue with a site-to-site vpn connection. It's looks like below w/nat being done on r1 for the pix. The vpn clients can connect but the site-to-site won't come up. To compound the issue R1 has two internet connections so policy routi...
I can't get any of my routers, 3845, 3825, or 3745 to recognize my nm-air-wlc6 cards (i have 2 cards). I'm using an IOS at the recommed version level. Has any one else experienced this issue and how was it resolved?Thanks,Josh
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Member Since ‎02-11-2003 07:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 11