I came across this post from a Google search (and I realise it's many years old) when looking for some information on messages I was seeing when the ISDN was in a known diverted state. If anyone else finds these messages, it's likely due to the Telco...
It could be due to your timezone and the calculations the script does.Easy way to check this is to try changing the parameter "intAgentStatsMaxDays" try 0 or 2 and see if you get results. If you do get results, you'll need to adjust the CalculateStat...
As jon said, the server url needs a trailing slash, althought this sounds like the least of your problems.You need to use the uccxhruser. the uccxwallboard user does not have permissions to some of the tables we like to get stats from. your DBServer ...
Hi Brendon,Let me clarify one thing...."UCCX to connect to a MySQL database"Are you trying to force UCCX to use a MySQL database as it's backend rather than it's native IBM Informix database? I would probably guess this wont work. Largely they are th...