Gerard Roy
Level 2
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Member since ‎09-16-2004

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Hello,I am trying to remove a sub interface. Here is the error I no interface GigabitEthernet 0/6.2ERROR: Remove failover mac address configured on this interface firstERROR: Remove failover mac address configured on thi...
We are adding a 3rd ISP to our ASA. It is ASA 5525-X that has 8 Physical Interfaces. I was looking for the best method to recover a physical interface for use with the new ISP (Cox). G0/0 and G0/1 are connecting to two existing ISP's. G0/2 - G0/3 are...
When pinging Gateway IP of ASA from computer on inside. It is doing Hide Nat (Pat) btw, IP is It gets a response.I try the same ping with the IP on PC using a static Nat I created but it never responds to the ping. I am using ip 192.16...
I keep getting this message: "Denied due to NAT reverse path failure". I am having a problem understanding how I would apply nat in my situation (Older ASA code). I have Windows 10 clients (Road_Warriors) using IKEv2.connecting to a Mikrotik router (...
I have two ISP's, I want to utilize both circuits in an active/active scenario (not active/active as in a dual asa scenario). Would a route map for each ISP traffic be an answer for this? We have load balancers up front and they do round robin, I wou...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-16-2004 05:05 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2021 12:03 AM
Posts 265
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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