Charles Rayer
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Member since ‎06-18-2010

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Hi Guys, I'm running stacked 3850s on a LAN with serving several DHCP pools. I have an issue now and again where they stop giving out addresses. Looking at Show Ip DHCP Poo brings up a summary of all the pools and I can see that the excluded addres...
Hi All, So my core switches are configured to be DHCP servers on my LAN. Recently I suffered a problem with an external DHCP server being plugged into my network - not malicious, just a mistake. So I thought I'd look into DHCP snooping, but everyt...
I'm trying to backup my Unity via SFTP.It successfully completes the 4 CUC components (CDPAGT, SYSLOGAGT, PLATFORM, VLM) but fails at 45% on the Connection Database.The message I get is: ----> BEGIN Standard Error/opt/cisco/connection/lib/disaster-re...
Hi All,Our company a few years ago replaced all it's routers. We bought a load of 2821's, installing 1 each at our sites. (1841's for backup)Now it's happened 3 times so far - a power failure on site and the router doesn't work when the power comes b...
So, I have a site in a heavily congested wireless area - up to 40 different signals at the same time. So we are using A signals. There is an entrance where the car jockeys stand - they use a 7921 mobile and are constantly having signal issues.We trie...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-18-2010 09:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 12:26 AM
Posts 52
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