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Member since ‎07-25-2007

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  • 35 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Given
  • 43 Helpful votes Received
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I have a problem importing users with TMS PE Versione 1.1. I'm trying to import user from a Microsoft AD domain, with port 636 (LDAPS).On the TMS portal screen I receive a warning with an "Unknown error" that suggest to give a look at the logs as soo...
Hello,we have Unity 5.x with Exchange. It's possible to make users NOT ABLE to change their notification settings using the phones, but leaving this chance using Personal Call Assistant?Many thanks in advance,Ulderico
Hello,we have a big problem making outgoing calls with a CallManager 4.2(1)ES38 cluster. We have many voicegateway connected via H.323 to the callmanager cluster. Each voicegateway is located on an different branch office.The configuration for outbou...
Hi,when i try to access the HTTP administration pages of the device (ex. or, the ATA automatically resets.I'm using CallManager 4.2(3)sr2b and ATA186 with SCCP firmware ATA030203SCCP051201A.Everythi...
I'm not able to contact extension *XXX (ex. *123) using an analog phone connected to ATA 186 with SCCP firmware.The digit "*" is considered special because is used to activate pre-call services (ex. **1 to call forward all).It's possible to disable p...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-25-2007 02:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-02-2018 06:25 AM
Posts 35
Total Helpful Votes Received 43
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