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Level 1
Member since ‎04-01-2009

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  • 132 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 45 Helpful votes Given
  • 16 Helpful votes Received
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Our 9800-40 WLC has 342 APs connected. We have a combination of 3702, 3802, and 9120 APs. Some of the connected APs are showing up as malicious rouge APs.  
We are upgrading our 9800-40 HA Upgrade from 17.6.4 to 17.9.3. Can these versions be upgraded to directly from and to, or is there version steps?Since this is an HA pair, can these be upgraded one at a time by failing over and upgrading the standby?C...
We are setting up two Firepower 1010s, with FTD, version 7.0.4. These are controlled by Firepower Management Center.I'm trying to setup a Site-to-Site VPN, IKEv2, with a third party VPN device.I need to troubleshoot why it is not working. I'm not sur...
Will the above router work with the above rommon version and IOS version, or do I need to downgrade the rommon or upgrade to a later IOS? 
We have an open wireless network, with no security.We want to implement a Click-to-Accept page, when a client connects. Once the client clicks the accept button, we want them to be redirected to a website.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-01-2009 01:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-02-2023 12:52 AM
Posts 132
Total Helpful Votes Received 16