Maxim Denisov
Level 3
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Member since ‎09-27-2011

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  • 191 Posts
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Hello,I'm running C8000v 17.6.1a and found that PAT to connected addresses works but inside addresses visible over ospf from L3 switch not working. NAT to outside networks from the same network works fine. Any ideas how to make PAT to non-connected n...
Hello,I'm running CUBE on C8000v 17.06.1a and found that it not shows DTMF events with debug voip rtp session named-event 101. The same debug works with older CSR 1000v. Is there a workaround except using monitor capture? Regards,Maxim
Hello,I'm migrating a subnet from a router to 3750x and got a strange IPv6 issue - I can ping switch from the router but can't ping router from switch. At the same time I can ping link local addresses on both sides.COBALT-RTR#sh ipv6 interface brief ...
Hello,I'm running UCCX 12.0 and got a broken publisher node due to failed VM migration. There is working subscriber, I have reinstalled a publisher with the same passwords and added a subscriber node but can't establish replication. DRS backup also f...
Hello,I'm trying to put a IOS XE router in two different FlexVPNs whose proposals not intersecting. The router has one WAN interface with one public IP so I can't distinguish policies by IP or VRF. Is it possible to configure different proposals for ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-27-2011 03:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-20-2022 01:00 AM
Posts 191
Total Helpful Votes Received 20