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Member since ‎09-20-2010

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Hi-I have the new firmware running on my SG500 switch.I've also just finished creating my VLANs.My issue is that I can't delete the old default VLAN .... VLAN 1More importantly, I can't seem to get DNS to work on the switch.When I set a DNS server, t...
Hi -I'm looking to replace my UC520. It is eol and has given me nothing but trouble. IF, I am reading the specs right, I need the following:CISCO2901/K9andSL-29-UC-K9Will that get me Call Manager Express and Unity express?I'll need an FXO/FXS card, b...
I'm looking to configure fax detect on the UC 520.I can get listen-first to work for faxes only. After 9 seconds, or when I press any key...the call is disconnected.If I confgure it for connect-first, the line just rings... never answers.Config is at...
Hi -A while back, someone posted ..." Oct 27, 2009 10:02 PM I  can fax good in but when I call the number I hear the prompt like I  should but when I press a button or just wait the 9 seconds it  disconnects my call. Any i...
Hi -I just upgraded my UC 520 to 8.6.1 and used the setup wizzard in CCA 3.2.2 to configure the device.My Auto Attendant plays the prompt I chose during the wizzard setup, but non of the options I set work.... (Press 2 for .... 3 for ... etc)Cisco su...
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Member Since ‎09-20-2010 09:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 35
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