Jacob Gwangwa
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎09-08-2011

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  • 21 Posts
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I have a 6509 VSS. This switch is configured with a Management VLAN called SWITCH_MANAGEMENT with this IP address which i expect it to display in all neighbour switches when i do show cdp neighbour details.VLAN Name                    ...
I urgently want to replace a faulty line card WS-X6748-SFP with a new one. The switch concern is a 5609-V-E operating in Virtual Switching System mode.How long do you suggest the down time will be?
Hi there.I'm having a strange issue here. I just installed a WS-C2960S-48TS-S and connected it to the core switch WS-C6509-V-E.CDP is enabled on both devices. When i do show cdp neighbor on my WS-C6509-V-E i cannot see the WS-C2960S-48TS-S in my neig...
I Have installed LMS 4.0.1 for my client. I have also installed UTLite script on the domain controller as per instruction from cisco. When i look at the utlite.log i'm seeing message displayed below:Failed to create Tables. Transaction Rolled backFai...
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Member Since ‎09-08-2011 07:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2021 12:03 AM
Posts 21
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