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Member since ‎06-20-2006

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Hi, We need bride traffic between bundle-ether and gigabitethernet subinterfaces that are connected to the same dridge domain, but the traffic isn't passing between them. Here is the relevan config:interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2/9.15 l2transport dot1...
Hi,We have some 6500, 7600 and CRSs in our network. Now, we are setting LACP etherchannel  CRS <--> 7600 and CRS <--> 6500. The first type are working ok but the second type (CRS <--> 6500) isn't working. The configuration is the same as the first ty...
Hi, We have an mpls/vpn backbone with different customers using the same AS number and only one AS for the provider backbone. For routing reasons, we need that some PEs can translate the AS of the customer updates to another AS that is NOT the provid...
Hi, we are configuring a UCS5108 with 6200 Fabric interconnect. We have 2 ports (31 and 32) connected to a Hitachi HUS storage via FC interfaces.The problem is that the state of the ports appears as "admin down" and "Config State: Inconsistent".Can y...
Hi,I have a Cisco 888 with C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T6 IOS and License Level advsecurity.Since I need BGP feature, I will buy advanced ip services license. But, because of purchase delay in our company, I'm evaluating a...
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Member Since ‎06-20-2006 01:03 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2018 02:19 AM
Posts 15