Sean Haynes
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-19-2010

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  • 36 Posts
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  • 5 Helpful votes Given
  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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Morning We have 2 Cisco 5508 WLCs, we have around 50 1142N APs across the campus, all of which use DHCP and PoE without any issues. The WLCs are configured as DHCP relay agents which works perfectly well for both the APs and Clients.   We had a need ...
Morning / Afternoon I have an ASA 5508 that at present seems to be working on the whole ok, up until I added a new network to one of the spare interfaces. Directly attached to the ASA is the; 'Outside Interface' - connected directly to our ISPs route...
Afternoon  We have an ASA 5508 security appliance  that was completely reconfigured over the summer break. The ASA is configured with an outside interface for internet access; an interface dedicated to the wireless network, an interface dedicate to a...
Evening people - looking for some help with an ASA that no longer wants to pass traffic over interfaces, or more specifically to the outside interface. Background. I work in a school, not ASA savvy - our ISP was the local authority, the ASA was setup...
AfternoonI have just configured and installed an ASA 512-X to replace our aging ASA 5510. The 5512-X comes equipped with an IPS sensor built in for which I have the license. Before I go thorough the pain of trying to figure out how it all gels togeth...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-19-2010 02:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-28-2018 12:09 AM
Posts 36
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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