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Member since ‎04-18-2009

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So I want to organize my xml files in UCCX so that I can call parent data or sibling/peer data from the child of the parent. This makes it much easier to format xml files so that they easier to read and also more useful.   Lets take the following:  ...
Is there a way in CUCM to choose a conference bridge based on the latency between endpoints and the conference bridge?
I'm thinking a nice diagram detailing all algorithms that can be used by CUCM to route calls and transmogrify digits. I just want to see it all in one place, and you know it can fit on one page.
I have a set step that returns and agent's extension. (This app is for playing back the agent's custom greeting to the caller).Once a day or so (this app runs about 900 times per day) the arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException gets thrown. I've marked the li...
Does anyone know how to list the files in the customer_folder directory? I'm talking about this one:System.getProperty("uccx.customer.dir") . I'm having problems casting a variable or object use the listFiles method.
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Member Since ‎04-18-2009 08:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-04-2023 02:08 PM
Posts 86
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