Scott Beauton
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-29-2013

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  • 16 Posts
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User Activity

Now that Slido is available for Webex can you use this in breakout rooms?
Running CWMS 2.5 on Prem.   Does anyone know if the Meeting Recordings can use CIF instead of NFAS Mount Point?Does anyone know what the permissions need to be for the file share?     Thanks in advance.   
Running IM&P  ON PREM with Jabber for Windows 9.6.0.  Why is it if the user sets their phone to Desktop Control (7942) the Jabber Client still rings.     Even if I reverse that and say to use softphone the desk phone still rings.    Wh...
Running Cisco VCS with mulitple Video End Points with multiple remote locations.  I'm setting up the QOS for Video on the Routers and wanted to confirm a couple things.  I've seen many posts regarding Video QOS but it seems each answer varies.  Below...
I'm going to be installing CCM 9.1 in a new cluster in the UK.   Since it's US Export I was going to make sure that CCM is unrestricted.   Is there seperate media for CCM9.1 unrestrcited or do I just have to install 9.1 and then apply a patch to make...
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Member Since ‎01-29-2013 08:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 16
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