Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎10-24-2007

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Hi, Can anyone advise on the best practice/recommended method for creating iBGP peers between VRF's on different routers please?   I have two transit routers that are running a VRF to eBGP peer with our Internal network, and also eBGP peer out to an ...
Hi,I was hoping someone could offer some help with this issue please?Please see attached diagram for an overview of the network.I have a core/distribution network made up of 4 layer 3 switches. The 4 core switches are all in the same MSTP region and ...
Hi,Just looking for a bit of direction on this problem. I need to redirect all http and https traffic from one source in a dmz network, to port tcp/8080 on a proxy server on the inside network.The source device doesn't handle proxying very well, so i...
Hi,I'm having some issues trying to get connectivity from the inside to the DMZ on a PIX515 (6.3).Here's the scenario (diagram attached).Inside interface IP: interface IP: is a server in the DMZ with an IP o...
Hello,When I look at the output from 'show spanning-tree interface gi1/0/1 detail', I can see that the interface has 'BPDU filter enabled internally'.There are no BPDU filter commands enabled on the switch, either globally or at an interface level, s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-24-2007 03:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-16-2017 07:09 AM
Posts 165
Total Helpful Votes Received 101