Giovanni Sciotti
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎09-17-2010

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  • 72 Posts
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  • 16 Helpful votes Received
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Hi all, can you confirm me that with webex teams client i can NOT control deskphones registered on premises to CUCM? If i am wrong can you please send a link to a document that explains how to do that? Thanks  
Hello all,Does somebody know if is possible to monitor the status (up/down) of ISDN interfaces (both E1/T1 circuits and BRI interfaces) connected to voice gateways with prime collaboration assurance standard?In the administration guide of prime colla...
Hello,we noticed an issue upgrading jabber for windows clients from 10.5 to 10.6after upgrade on some PC's the jabber is unable to start and it outputs a message: invalid certificate,...The strange thing is that is non happening on all the PC's but o...
Hello,anyone knows how to give to customers the possibility to call a company from their web page with a web sip client?Is there some best practise or some product that can be used to get this?Bye all!
Hello,we have CWMS and IRP versione: want to upgrade to, i have the ova file.Somebody can please help me giving me the steps to follow to perform the task?Is the upgrade of the Internet Reverse "automatic"?Every informati...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-17-2010 02:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-15-2022 05:45 AM
Posts 72
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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