Kyle C Barnes
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Member since ‎06-17-2013

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Hi all, Using the above image as a reference point, you can see that with the configuration guide for OTV best practice, we'll break inter-vlan routing between DCs.   Here are some logical steps one might take when troubleshooting this: 1. Why no...
I DEFINITELY have a network interface connected/powered on for the VM.  Anyone seen this type of error before? I've tried powering it off, removing the network interface, readding, etc.
Hi all,I'm seeing the following error when I try to use AnyConnect to establish an SSL VPN Connection.  My understanding is that this error shows up when AnyConnect thinks that the individual is being a Captive Portal..per this link: https://learning...
Hi!We've picked up a Cisco 819 to play around with the cellular capabilities (SDP down the road).I have an unlocked Verizon SIM card installed..yourname#sh cellular 0 security Card Holder Verification (CHV1) = DisabledSIM Status = OKSIM User Operatio...
Hello!  Pretty basic setup...2 VLANS: and for the first one is and the SVI for the second is've configured two DHCP pools as follows:ip dhcp pool Home_Data   network   dns-serve...
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Member Since ‎06-17-2013 07:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-30-2018 08:36 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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