Tim Cappel
Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎04-17-2013

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I have a user who goes through the Spark install with no issues, however once the application launches it hangs on the screen that says Detecting Media Devices.  It then gives the only option to close the program.  Several times reinstalling, with th...
I was under the impression that the DX series endpoints support extension mobility, however after enabling the devices and verifying our cluster has EM working appropriately, the EM option still isn't showing up on the DX's.  The release notes for th...
I was under the impression that the DX series endpoints support extension mobility, however after enabling the devices and verifying our cluster has EM working appropriately, the EM option still isn't showing up on the DX's.  The release notes for th...
Hello,I have a CMR account provisioned to my WebEx account with a PMR.  When using One-Click meeting everything works fine, it launches my PMR like I have it in the "Meet Now" settings.  However, in my Jabber client (!0.6 windows), I notice that clic...
Hello,We recently ordered a handful of CMR cloud licenses to try out.  Everything is working great except for how the custom PMR URI is laid out.  Because we don't use SSO with WebEx our login username is our email address.  So the custom uri goes as...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-17-2013 02:32 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-23-2024 12:04 AM
Posts 92
Total Helpful Votes Received 18
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