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Member since ‎08-18-2004

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Hi,we have TACACS+ based AAA on our network equipment, authenticating against internal user database on a network of ACS 5.3s.What I want is to limit certain AAA users (namely automated tools) to be only permitted to authenticate from a list of known...
We have some ASA 5550 devices, with software versions:Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.4(1) Device Manager Version 6.4(1)as part of an SSL VPN architecture.All have publicly signed certificates, but on some the certificate chain i...
We have a CSM blade in a 6509, IOS 12.2(18)SXF7, CSM softvare version 4.2(7);We'd like to create a serverfarm, where servers are checked for several ports and only considered as working when all probes succeed.Although Cisco docs state that there sho...
Hi! I would like to add a Sony PCS-1P (H.323) terminal to an existing Cisco (IP/VC 3540, software version 3.2)+ Polycom (Viewstation EX - several terminals) installation. The hole infrastructure runs on H.323, and there's no CCM, so SCCP isn't an opt...
I have a CCM 4.1(3) installed at a client, and they have the following request: - they want phone line redundancy (OK, this can be achieved easily with Route Lists/ Route Groups) - but they DON'T want calls to go through the second provider if the fi...
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Member Since ‎08-18-2004 07:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 33
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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