garry cordess
Level 1
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Member since ‎02-07-2010

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  • 68 Posts
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Hi,   Has anyone found a \24 limitation on the ASA5506? E.g. is a \23 network supported?   This has been flagged by a customer.   Regards, Garry.
Hello,With a 4500X 32 port we are seeing that when a 1G SFP like a GLC-T or a GLC-SX-MM is plugged in it shows up as a 10G SFP.Is there a problem here or is that normal?Regards,Garry. C.
                   Hello,In a scenario where we use a WAAS appliance as a management box for the other WAAS's is there any reason why a small box i.e. WAVE-274 shouldn't be used to manage several big boxes i.e. WAVE-574?Thanks,Garry.
                   Hello,Are there any issues with the WAE512 on software 4.1 when running either Windows 7 or Windows 8?Regards,Garry.
                   Hello,Does any one know why our CSC 20 (in an ASA5520) shows "Expires NULL" when we try to check the user/Plus license?These should default to a user count of 500 on the CSC 20 (the CSC 10 defaults to a user count of 50). the licen...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-07-2010 02:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-20-2024 06:50 AM
Posts 68
Total Helpful Votes Received 45
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