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Level 1
Member since ‎11-19-2009

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  • 35 Posts
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Hi team:I installed a CPI of 1.3, but when I connect, I received the following message: "The system is running out of disk space, see the online help to perform disk cleanup" I have the following patches installed but the problems persist.Patch: Cisc...
Hello forum.I am setting up a DME 2200 to integrate  to my SnS in 5.2.3 version  But I have some errors in the browser where I tested. With Chrome and  Firefox shows this phrase : "Windows media plugin not installed click here to install" , and with ...
Is it necessary to associate the DMM and SNS with an LDAP server?  What else do I need? I have hardware support for I have a UCS210. Do I have to set something else before migration?Thanks in advance Aurelio
HelloI have a DMM (MCS 7835-H2) in 5.2.2 version, web access is very slow and when I can send content to DMPs is not displayed on the screens.Reviewing the services I see that Active MQ, Apache, Postgress, Tomcat are stopped.I do the following proced...
I am installing the Cast and Signs in version 5.2.2.I'm testing  DMPs 4400G with a presentation test in TVs, when DMPs have dynamic ip address the presentation on TV is OK, but if I change to static ip address a butterfly is shown on TV.  This sympto...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-19-2009 03:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-23-2024 12:04 AM
Posts 35