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Member since ‎10-09-2006

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  • 68 Posts
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  • 59 Helpful votes Given
  • 25 Helpful votes Received
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What IP address should be set as the system-ip address in the vManage template? 1.  The IP provided by the wireless sim provider?2. The IP to assign to the ENET interface of the CG522-E?  ( for local management )3. The IP to be used on a SD-WAN VPN (...
on a 5520 WLC v8.10.183 We have been able to get a Flexconnect AP to build a EoGRE tunnel and put clients on it.We have also been able to get a Flexconnect AP to drop client onto a Local VLAN as well. We would like to configure one WLAN on the Flexco...
This is a fixed port router with a mix of SFP+, SFP28, QSFP28 and QSFP-DD ports The install guide says they are split between slice 0 and slice 1 with 24 ports per slice How does this translate into the rack/slot/instance/port schema ?  is the slice ...
Does the Overlay-ID need to match between the cEdge and vSmart Can a single vSmart support multiple Overlay-IDs? Can a single vManage monitor multiple cEdges with differant Overay-ID's?
We recently tried to update a centralized data-policy applied to a VPN 1 only The policy change worked, but there was a side affect where all OMP routes in VPN 500 stopped. Our updated data-policy policy does not refer to VPN 500 so we were confused ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-09-2006 03:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-15-2024 07:14 AM
Posts 68
Total Helpful Votes Received 25