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Member since ‎06-09-2011

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I want to enable Passive Client on the WLAN for a wired client connecting to a non-Cisco Wireless bridge. I'm getting a message saying multicast must be enabled. Can someone help me understand what is the relationship between enabling passive client ...
Seeing some clients getting Data Retries, others getting RTS Retries, and others getting no errors under the client stats. Could any of these retries be due to issues on the wireless adapter for the client itself? Is there some documentation someone ...
I read about 'adjacent channel interference'. Wanted to confirm with the experiened folks out there if there could really be a problem with 'adjacent channel' interference where the APs are on non overlapping channels but are placed too close togethe...
Can interference cause a radio to  reset? I'm seeing some interference being reported in the alarm  logs. I've also noticed the radios reset as well. Can interference cause  this or could there be a problem with the actual AP?Interference threshold v...
Why am I getting low power alarms on APs connected via power injectors?
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Member Since ‎06-09-2011 09:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 18