Steven Shelton
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Member since ‎09-02-2014

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We have six gas meters that have worked without issue for over eight years. Four were supported by IE-3000 switches.  Recently, we replaced two of the IE-3000 switches with IE-3300 and within hours began having problems with loss of connectivity to t...
We are in a bind and need to implement a controller using 8.10 and being deploying 9120APs.  The main controller is stuck on 8.5 due the number of older 3502 and 3602 APs.  I've always thought the version of AireIOS on the controllers had to be consi...
Has anyone experienced broadcast issues with subnets larger than /22?   Customer want to increase subnet size to /19, which seems like a problem waiting to happen. Does Cisco have recommendations on sizing subnets for wireless? Thank you for your r...
Customer needs to reach remote areas with wireless networking.  The remote device will connect to the ethernet port of the MAP.  The RAP with Ethernet bridging enabled will bridge the VLAN to which it's ethernet interface is connected.  In this case,...
WLC is on v8.2.121.0 Started testing with 3802i APs, removed working 3702i APs, installed 3802i, placed in same AP Group.  Users connect to the visitor SSID with open authentication without issue, no clients associate to the SSID that uses WPA2 encry...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-02-2014 05:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 10:58 AM
Posts 66
Total Helpful Votes Received 9
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