hi anyone knows how to create the Franken IDS ?it is booting up and installing the IDS sensor 4.0 or 4.1 in a pc.if anyone is able to shed some light into this it would be welcome
hi can anyone guide me to replace an old ios image in a 1. read only and2. read/write flash in 2500 and 2600 routers the problem is ive got some old ios runnin in them .. so i need the proper method to replace it with this new image . Thankyou..
hi jims .i guess you are talking about this : http://ssmedia.com/utilities/hosts/about blocking adservers instead of ads..and that too at the OS level itself.I guess similar tactics can be implemented in the perimeter level too.But do you want to dwi...
I would recommend you go for a la setting like the one depicted in Ipexpert .But its not really necessary . Many people think they need lots of routers and switches to do a complex lab.But the truth is with 4 - 5 routers and couple of switches we can...
hithe above stated scenario can be achieved by implementing Igrp/Eigrp with variance.The difference between other protocols and Eigrp is that it has the ability to do Unequal Cost load balancing.The variance command decides the variance of distributi...
Yes Gpu is absolutely right in pointing out that by enabling CEF your CPU usage will come down considerably.Cause the first packet of every netflow will come to the router other packets are switched to the exit interface.First packet takes this path ...
If your network is like this : -> Pix -> router3750swx -> Pix -> routerthen you can configure your 3750 switch which supports HSRP .Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) provides dynamic load balancing and failover for routed links, up to 3...