Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎03-24-2009

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I had to recover the password for a UC540W and followed the standard procedures that I am aware of. I went to rommon, , copy start to run, change the password, no shut on the interfaces, saved and rebooted. The 7900 series phones work with no problem...
I have a multi-site I am working on and we need a line appearance for the phones at the remote location at the owners desk. The owner has a 7965 phone and two 7916 and we want to put the 6 phones at the remote site on buttons on teh 7916 so they can ...
I have recorded prompts using the prompt management system but the prompts dont show under prompt management. How do I get them to show up so that I can assign them?
I accidently hit NO on the java certificate pop-up that pops every time I open CCA. Now I am unable to access the UC520 as it does not prompt for logon info and goes right to the red icon of the system with authorization failed.I did get the cert to ...
I have done this once before but dont have the notes. I think I have a bad CF card and want to replace it.I remember that I only need to put a minimal bit of software onto the card in order to boot it up and be able to run CCA and the software pack u...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-24-2009 04:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-15-2020 09:09 AM
Posts 178
Total Helpful Votes Received 54
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