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Member since ‎07-24-2011

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Hi,I've searched vast forums regarding the disable of the pop-up window of the jabber when a call arrives/hook-off but didn't found nothing about this.I guess that disabling the CTI is the most common.There is an answer about the CUPC but also withou...
Hi,I've looking all over the docs and the forum, but i can't find the instructions to change the CUCM to other.We are installing a new CUCM 8.6, with a new IP and shutting down the old one 8.5.1.The CCX should be re-integrated with the CUCM and des-i...
Hi,I have a scenario that requires a 2 7965 Devices at Room A to ring with a special ringtone only when devices from room B call them. ( All are CUCM Lines).Is there any feature that can answer this req?I've searched for MLPP, but i can't see where t...
Hi all,I've spent long days trying to understand the most basically deploment  of the SAF voice service.(i've guided myself via the next links and http...
Hi,I'm a deploying a new cluster. ( PUB + SUB ) The topology will be :  Main site ( PUB + Sub ) with 2 2900s ( 2 PRI each )                                      4 x Remote Sites ( connected oWAN ) with 1 2900 ( 1 PRI each )   & SRST Option           ...
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Member Since ‎07-24-2011 01:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
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