Ernesto Fernandez gomez-pinto
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-21-2002

User Statistics

  • 108 Posts
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  • 6 Helpful votes Given
  • 7 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi, Does anyone know of a step-by-step guide (detailled configuration of BD, Health Groups, Redirect Polices, L4-L7 Devices, Service Graph and Device Selection Policies), for deploy multinode (FW + IPS) service graph? We have this enviroment and we c...
Hi, We have a Fabric with Coop Group Policy set to Compatible Type and we need know what is the posible impact in fabric of changing it to Strict Type. Has anyone made this change in production? Regards.
Hi, I need help with Cisco ACI labels that apply to vzany. My customer have a vrf with 120 ESGs and two External EPGs (EEPG-1 and EEPG-2) and service graph for Firewall insertion in PBR, the requirements are - All traffic between the ESGs and with EE...
Hi all, I'm impacted by CSCvt68314, and need delete fault F0948 from APIC. One option for clear the fault is You can delete the fvRsBDToProfile under the BD using the following POST using REST API. This will clear the association and fault.https:///a...
Hello, I have a EPG configured in L2 BD (ACI is not the DG of this subnet), and i have activated Intra-EPG isolation with a Intra-EPG contract to control the permited traffic, but it don't work. Is it a supported configuration?, are there any documen...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-21-2002 01:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2024 03:36 AM
Posts 108
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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