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Level 5
Member since ‎08-17-2005

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My customer has 6 CUCM clusters and they are looking into OBTP for CUCM registered video endpoints. My questions is can a single TMS/XE cluster is able to serve all 6 CUCM clusters spread out globally or is there a 1:1 clustering meaning we need 6 TM...
Does Jabber for Windows 11.8 presence bubble integration works and/or supported within MS Dynamic CRM? I haven't been able to find any documentation to confirm either way.   Thanks Aamir  
Is there a way we could configure CUCM 11.x admin access so that helpdesk admins are only able to check “home cluster” box on the CUCM end user management page? I have been playing with access control groups and roles but haven’t been able to figure ...
Hello,I know federated 1 to 1 chat  with lync/skype is now supported with Direct SIP federation on expressway. Are there any plans to add support for federated adhoc group chat with Lync/Skype in the near future? and are there any third party solutio...
my customer has working Jabber guest 10.6 solution and they are wondering if it is possible use Jabber Guest link internally on the corporate network so people who do not have Jabber client they could use Jabber guest instead to join video calls. At ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-17-2005 06:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-12-2019 04:55 PM
Posts 225
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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