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Member since ‎07-08-2006

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  • 29 Posts
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Hi all, Our layer-3 switch has all routes configured like the one below: ip route vrf TEST Vlan20 Usually when you add new router you just use exit interface or the IP address as the next hop. I am confused why ...
Hi all, We have 802.1x authentication setup on our switches. The switch ports have the following configured on them. switchport access vlan 5switchport mode accessswitchport nonegotiateswitchport protectedlogging event link-statusauthentication port-...
Hi everyone,I have a question about Cisco Packet Processing Sequence given below.Inside-to-Outside (LAN to WAN)If IPSec then check input access listdecryption – for CET (Cisco Encryption Technology) or IPSeccheck input access listcheck input rate lim...
Hi all,I have a time based ACL configured on a Cisco ASA. I need to know if the active sessions are dropped by the ASA when the time limit is over. For example, users are allowed to connect between 12 and 1 PM. If there are any active connections jus...
Hi all,I know we can use Cisco ACS for applying downloadable ACLs to a Cisco ASA firewall on per user basis.I want to know that how long do these downloadable ACLs exist in the memory of the ASA. Do these ACLs get flushed out of ASA's memory as soon ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-08-2006 02:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-16-2018 05:56 PM
Posts 29