Gongyuan Yao
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Member since ‎06-17-2009

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Hi,We have ASA 5580-40 with rel ver 8.1(2). During testing mcast, we found that if we do not configure IGMP static group or join group with specific mcast group ip addr, the mcast will not work, the client application can not join the specific mcast ...
Hi,We are trouble shooting a mcast problem. There are two routers are connected through a tunnel for mcast. The tunnel interface is up, but from sho ip igmp groups cmd, we see tunnel interface is in "stopped" state.Can anyone please explain the reaso...
Hello,We have 3750G and 3650G with IOS rel 12.2(50)SE3. According to Cisco document, these switches should support IP v4 and v6 dual-stack configuration (after 12.2SE). I have searched many Cisco IP v6 online help, but can not figure out how to enabl...
Hi all,I have a pre-deployment test bed have a  6509 720 sup engine system with a 16 port 10G, and a ASA, a 4900M and VeEX testers. With 2 data streams, 10G traffic  generated from tester, the 10G card in 6509 system only can provide about 50% util b...
Hello, I am doing a pre-deployment testing for our new ASA. We are using VeEX tester to generate 10G traffic. Unfortunately, this tester does not have layer 4 traffic support for 10G, all of UDP header, etc. belong to DATA and only can fill 16 bytes ...
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Member Since ‎06-17-2009 09:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-11-2018 05:51 AM
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