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Member since ‎03-17-2012

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Hello all,   On our current configuration  one particular DID exp. 212-345-6789 rings to only one ext. 123, however Iike to have this same DID ring in another ext. 345 for example.. I tried adding the same rule as i have now, but i get an error telli...
Hello, I been trying to find a solution for my google cromecast to connect to Cisco 1140N, been google but no luck so far anyone has got this working? This is an autonomous AP btw.  
Hi all,  So we decided to  upgraded the router and i went with upgrading the CME to 8.6 from 7.0.. running the recommended IOS 15.1-4M, the config was the same nothing changed, however we get no caller ID, i know nothing was changed on the carrier si...
I have a CME 7.0 and have Cisco IPphone registered using SCCP, however I need to add a 3rd party SIP device that requires SIP registration, If i configure the SIP registrar would it create any conflict of any kind ? Tks
Hi all,Here I'm again trying to resolve a simple Site 2 Site VPN between two Cisco 2800 routers. One has a static IP form the ISP the other a DHCP however I'm using the IP that I got from the DHCP..Both running code:adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T8The on...
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Member Since ‎03-17-2012 04:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-20-2018 01:42 PM
Posts 104