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Member since ‎09-05-2012

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I am trying to find some documentation that actually explains the setup of CUSP other than the cisco document that goes over each setting.  While that document is useful, I am confused as to how to set this up as the limited information is just that,...
Starting since Friday I have been noticing this error.  While I did get it occasionally (once every month or so), now it is becoming a recurring event at almost the same time everyday, 5:52 PM CDT.  I am currently running CUCM in a virt...
After some searching I see many people using power injectors or switches that supploy PoE.  I am building a lab for the CCNA Wireless and currently have an old Cisco 3550 PoE switch and a 2106 Controller that I got at a steal of a price.  My question...
Recently, I have been working on setting up device mobility for a remote site so that when they are using a VPN they use our resources and call routing but when they are own their own network they use the resources allocated to that particular networ...
I had a crazy idea of attempting to make things more accurate for my company.  As one of only two voice engineers I review the CDR data from solarwinds regularly to see what calls have failed or succeeded.  Given this, people are humans and make mist...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-05-2012 11:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-18-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 56
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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