Dan Man
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Member since ‎07-12-2012

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I have an environment with a catalyst 9300 as a core L3 switch.  On this switch, I have an SDWAN router, and an MPLS router.  All of my internet traffic goes out through the SDWAN router via a static default 0 route.  All of my RFC1918 addresses go t...
Good evening!  I've set up our Guest self registration portal.  It works great!  Only two items that are plaguing me right now.  When the user self registers, the sponsor receives the email to Approve or Deny.  The sponsor clicks "Approve", which bri...
First of all, thank you in advance for reading my question! I've created a policy set, in which I've added a Network Management set to manage our network equipment.  I've added the devices to the Network devices.  Created the authentication and autho...
I have two data centers.  My main data center MPLS router has the default-originate statement, in BGP, to send out the default route to all of my MPLS sites.  I'd like to setup failover, in case this DC becomes unavailable.  What would be the best pr...
Here's my situation.  We have about 80 sites that are on MPLS.  These sites backhaul through our main data center.  We have around 150 SDWAN sites.  In order for the SDWAN sites to reach the MPLS sites, they come back through the head end SDWAN route...
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Member Since ‎07-12-2012 12:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-22-2021 06:34 AM
Posts 106
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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