Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎10-02-2003

User Statistics

  • 129 Posts
  • 16 Solutions
  • 22 Helpful votes Given
  • 54 Helpful votes Received
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50 Discussion Posts
30 Replies

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I've tried to use wildcards such as *1234 when using MediaSense Search and Play with no luck.  Can wildcards be used in the MediaSense search and play application?
I've tried to use wildcards such as *1234 when using MediaSense Search and Play with no luck.  Can wildcards be used in the MediaSense search and play application?
I integrated the MediaSense AgentInfo Gadget into Finesse on UCCX and I can see that the agent state information is being passed from the Finesse gadget to Mediasense by looking at the MediaSense API logs on the MediaSense server.  However, none of t...
I have a customer who has a need to change the DX650 phone registration from one UCM cluster to another.  Are the phone settings, specifically TFTP server, exposed in the API to allow for an installed application to perform this change?
I would like to perform a screen pop of the EIM agent desktop based upon customer phone number so that the customer record is displayed when a voice call arrives.  Is this possible?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-02-2003 03:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-11-2021 10:55 AM
Posts 129
Total Helpful Votes Received 54