Jamaluddin Mohamed
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Member since ‎02-22-2012

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                   We have some dozen workflows (CPO 2.3 processes) each triggered to start by a unique tidal event. Each workflow when triggered fetches numeric data (just two or three two-digit data such as 15, 300) from a singluar web service  end...
                   Just like creating a library of customized processes, can we create a library of customized activities in CPO such that our workflow designers can drag and drop the customized activity to modify an existing process/workflow. After ...
        We want the ability to send SMS messages to operators to notify a TCA from our customer network.Question:Is there a plan to support SMS adaptor in CPO/TEO? Thanks
1. We have a need to move files (multi-mega bytes) from one Unix system to another. 'GetFile' and 'PutFile' seems to use Tidal Windows system as a go between. Is there a way to accomplish unix to unix file transfer without going through Tidal Windows...
Tidal version used for this test is: CPO 2.3. I create a Unix system target object. Use 'Find Targets' activity to grab the target. I use 'Open Terminal Session' acitivty to SSH to the target with target reference set to:   [Workflow.Find Targets.Fou...
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Member Since ‎02-22-2012 03:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 86