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Member since ‎09-25-2006

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Dear anyonei would like to deploy cisco wireless 9800 with clearpass, also have 802.1x authentication and Guest Web login on clearpass. Do anyone have information how to configure at cisco and aruba?
Dear AnyoneI have a bit confuse with antenna. Possible i using multiple antenna with 1 AP? for example i using 1550 which 1 raio port for patch and other with omi on 5 Ghz. And how it different with other model? such as 2702e / 1602e  because it have...
Dear All Our customer need to limit user session and they using cisco acs 5.4. I know that it can do and i try to configure and test with PEAP (MSCHAV 1 and 2). It work well. But if i try to using web authentication on cisco wireless controller which...
Hi AllI would like to ask and post some question about FTP/TFTP problem when i associated wifi via controller 2504 version 7.6. I found that user cannot use FTP/TFTP protocol that user cannot transfer file at all. Anyway i tried to downgrade controll...
Hi AllI have some question with TFTP/FTP when using WiFi. Our customer implement cisco wireless controller 2504 with 7.4.110 code. All user cannot using TFTP/FTP when associated wifi with WLC2504. It occur only doing TFTP/FTP on Wireless but LAN is w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-25-2006 08:09 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-04-2020 12:09 PM
Posts 81
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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