Volodymyr Khrystenko
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Member since ‎07-03-2012

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Hi to all))) I am interested if there is any way we can configure which GRE traffic to encrypt using IPsec and which not via the same pair of tunnel interfaces? In documents there are no such scenarios, only scenarios when all gre traffic is encrypte...
Hi everyone.I dont understand the difference betweem these terminologies((( AP can be only in bridge mode. And how this mode can be transformed to these three topologies - I dont undestand. Please help...
Hello.I want to change locale on 7962 cisco ip phone. But no success( My config:telephony-service max-ephones 50 max-dn 50 ip source-address port 2000 timeouts ringing 60 system message XXXX cnf-file location flash: cnf-file perphone user-...
Hello)I have the next scheme:analog phone --- FXS (cisco 2901) ----IP----(cisco 4451x) --- Telephony ProviderI can not call from analog phone to anyone((( When I dial, nothing happens. However 4451x gets incoming call((( Any suggestions?
Hello)I saw that CUCM can sync field called "phone number" from LDAP. Can I set it to user's phone in CUCM? So that I could chnge all numbers in my office from LDAP?
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Member Since ‎07-03-2012 02:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 183
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