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Member since ‎03-09-2006

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hi guys,need some help here. my situation is a bit complicated.1. i have a few sites which are interconnected.2. there are multiple mobile sets of equipment(servers and catalyst 3560 switch) which i need to connect at different sites. (i cant use rep...
Hi guys,i need some advice here.Using the cisco example as a basis for my setup, ( however, i am using routers only.          router ------ router -...
hi guys,is it possible for eem applet to track if a specific ip route exist in the routing table?if yes, is any configuration example i can refer to?thanks
hi guys,i need some advice here.i have a lab testing for some routers configured for OSPF and of the router A added the following route into the routing table, when i shutdown an interface on another router.R* [120/1] via 192.16...
i have a few questions on OSPF1> can a interface be configured for more than 1 area?2> which is the OSPF version which supports multiple process?3> is it possible to archive link redundancy between 2 sites using the attached diagram? using different ...
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Member Since ‎03-09-2006 05:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 108
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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