Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎09-04-2002

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  • 217 Posts
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  • 46 Helpful votes Given
  • 55 Helpful votes Received
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Attempting to set up a C1111-4PLTEEA router to use a 4G sim for the first time in the UK. We have a multi-sim from EE, which can connect to multiple providers. The output below implies it is trying to connect to the 3 UK network, with no service Can ...
I get this error, when trying to join an AP model C9124AXI-ROW to EWC on C9120AXI. According to the compliance tool the model is supported. The EWC/WLC is running version 17.3.8a Wireless LAN Compliance Lookup (cisco.com)
We have a customer that wants to run telemetry & NetFlow at the same time on ACI running Version 4.2(7l). I believe this was not supported on earlier versions of ACI, but want to know if it is supported on Version 4.2(7l).
I need to change the selected Smart Account User within Settings / Cisco Accounts / Smart Account.  If i try to add a new username, i get the option to add a username & password, but the Save option is greyed out on the bottom right-hand corner. If i...
I have 2 x 9120axi EWC APs & i cannot get the day 0 configuration to work. They are both running version 16.12.04a & i go through the setup procedure where prompted to input the ip address for the interface, subnet mask, default route & username/ pas...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-04-2002 03:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-17-2024 02:33 AM
Posts 217
Total Helpful Votes Received 55
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