Dean Romanelli
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎03-01-2012

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Anyone have any idea what the "TestQoS" function does on a Supervisor 720 card for a 6509? It says it's a minor error if it fails. We don't use QoS on the 6509, and I see the risk/reward ratio tipped more in the risk favor of replacing this SUP card ...
Anyone know the key size the SG300/SH500 switches use for SSH?
So part of my standard rollout is to create an SSH key in each 2960 I deploy - crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048.After I do this and check it with show crypto key mypubkey rsa, I see the 2048 key I created, but there is also a 512 and a 768 key un...
Hi,I have a location in Dubai with a stacked Cisco WS-C2960X-24PD-L. This switch connects to an ASA 5505, which has a VPN to three locations: My US data center, my UK data center, and our internet cloud security provider (Zscaler). The strangest issu...
Hi All,How wide in feet/meters can I expect the coverage beam to be if I use a directional patch antenna with 8 gain on the 2.4gHz? I have a space I need to cover, which is 187 feet deep by 219 feet wide.  I need the whole space covered. I was going ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-01-2012 04:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-02-2020 03:03 PM
Posts 467
Total Helpful Votes Received 62