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Member since ‎07-20-2010

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Verizon is activating a line for us today they call a "10 meg" or a "LAN".They said the only requirement is a regular fastethernet interface.Instead of using the Cisco 1841 we currently use (T1), i thought of using a clean factory default ASA 5505.1....
We have a T1x2 on an 1841 router, we are moving to a 10meg and i thought i can use a 2801 router we had sitting around (Cisco IOS Software, 2801 Software (C2801-SPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(7), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc6))1.the Verizon engineer gave me a...
i am trying to create a backup router for my 1841.i copied most of the code and it took it.but when i try to copy the original:ip forward-protocol ndip route MFR1.500the backup router shows the following:no ip classlessip route 0.0.0....
we have a 1310 connecting two buildings networks.inside each building we have a wireless network (Intermec access points).we are implementing WEP on the Intermec AP's.will the cisco 1310 allow the wep traffic without interference? or would i need to ...
i have an loads up from the external CF.lost the password.when the CF is out it boots to rommon>cant dir the flash:rommon 18 > dir flash:dir: cannot open device "flash:"usb fla cant be read either.i followed conreg instructions for changing t...
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Member Since ‎07-20-2010 10:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
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