Mohd Khairul Nizam
Level 4
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Member since ‎04-18-2011

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on the switch we have two radius server entry.server Aserver Bthe radius server A is down and unreachable.issues happen where all the endpoint in LAN not able to authenticate to radius radius AAA server output show that the priority is 1 ...
I'm seeing high percentages of Interference on my WLC dashboard. Is this indirectly will affect slowness access. 
Call Agent WFH having issues with this intermittently. Around several people occured. We are using VPN. What could be the issues ? The Finesse team said from the log , it would be due to error 50003. The agent was logged out because ACD report device...
Hi, we are planning to remove the firewall in between voice gateway and the Core Switches that connect the CUCM devices.Is it possible and any advise on the CUCM itself in term of configuration ?
We have office in AUS , and previously if want to call AUS, need to key in 8 6101 xxxx (4 extension of Aus)Currently it is not working.When i dial, it showing like this . Why ya ? and how can i check. My CUCM side or Aus side ? 
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Member Since ‎04-18-2011 09:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 474
Total Helpful Votes Received 32