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Member since ‎08-25-2009

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Hi,I'm a bit confused on when to use the SERVER A.B.C.D command of SERVER-PRIVATE A.B.C.D command in the following:aaa group server tacacs+ acs-servers server-private single-connection key 7 12345 server-private single-connection ke...
Hi AllI want to change an existing Cisco 871 config, so it will support VPN client access. I had several tries but without luck. Seems i am doing something wrong. Hope to get a good course on this subject in the near future. But for the short term pe...
Hi,I tried to install EasyVPN on a cisco 871W through SDM. The purpose is to terminate client VPNs, authenticating them with with an external Radius/AD (on a local subnet). I set up IAS on a win2003 AD server and checked the accounts.SDM was missing ...
Hi,I'm looking for a way to get Cisco Works configure vlans on several ports on a list of switches.This list would look somewhat like:switch1 - interface fa0/1 - vlan10switch1 - interface fa0/3 - vlan20 switch5 - interface fa0/25 - vlan2...etcCan it ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-25-2009 02:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 12:02 PM
Posts 12